viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Consumism is in your mind

From the past till now, consumism has been being more important every year because people had more money and they could consume and have all they wanted, or at least the things they could reach. But this limits are very different because we have a limit in our pockets, but we have a different one in our minds.
All people react different: some people use the essential, others want more and more everyday. Consumism gets through our brains so deep that in lots of people the lack of shopping causes anxiety. This anxiety makes people to shop and shop without limits, but we already know we have limits in our pockets. But is not only that, because lots of people that have problems with consumism, when they have any problems in their lifes they think the only thing that is going to make them happier is shopping.
Consumism is a routine for lots of people, proffesionally and personally. Some professions have to buy lots of products and then they sell it at a higher price, so they can have a benefit. This is not abnormal, but this varies a lot when it comes to personal consumism. There are lots of people that hang out with their friends every weekend only for shopping clothes, games, furniture, exotic food, complements, tools, books, instruments...
Those people have no end and see shopping as a very common and necessary activity, the only thing that make them be satisfied with themselves or with the things that happen to them.
Finally my message is that wanting it or not, we have a really strong influence of consumism that is in our minds and it feeds of what we see everyday in shops, commercials, products our friends buy... We have to resist against this powerful nightmare and learn to have limits and when to say STOP.
And remember one thing. People with anxiety that consumes a lot in shops is because he is trying to find what he needs, and what he needs is support and a friend to stand with.

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