These commercials sent by companies intise us to buy things and products we really don't need, we don't have any interest about or we already have one. But, the most fascinating thing, is that usually we want to buy those things after seeing or hearing an interest comment from other people or from the radio. And why do we buy them? There might be different reasons, but the most common of them is that the companies try to focus the commercials so we see that we really need this product and that without it we can have problems or be in a situation of crisis. An example is the commercial of Apple: we may have already a cell phone, but seeing all these aplications (that can be very useless), we feel the need of buying it.
Another important fact is a very weard system called mode. Lots people want to be part of the mode so they spend a lot of money for being like everyone else. Everyone has a Black Berry? I'm going to buy one. Everyone has a shirt from Zara? I am buying a shirt of Zara.
And there are some commercials that play with our minds. These commercials makes us think, we do it and then we have doubts. A doubt can sprend in our minds and confuse us, and finally we buy the product, even if we aren't sure. Is a seed of doubt.